We're doing good. I have been really busy with work and so has Dave. Emily is getting tons of teeth and learning a lot each day. One of the cuter things she has learned is to say is "Night night," when she wants to go to sleep and goes into her room and drags out her blanket.

Emily's 15 month check-up is 6/2 and her first dentist appt is 6/4.
I just wrapped up my spring season of softball. We wont play again until fall because everyone is out of town on and off throughout the summer. It was fun getting out and running around in the beautiful weather, but we didn't make the playoffs so that was a bummer.
Dave's been breaking his back in the yard and getting things ready for our remodel which is scheduled for Mid-June. We need to take some before and after pictures. We have almost all of our new furniture for our bedroom, finally we have our own stuff like real grown ups.
We rescheduled our vacation for Kauai in December and we're still really looking forward to our trip. This will be our first family vacation ever, first vacation for Dave and Me since we we drove to San Francisco in July of 2005, really really overdue, that is over 4 years without a vacation, if you're counting. I can't wait to see Emily running on the beach.
Summer's here, thank goodness. I have 2 baby showers coming up, so more playmates for Emily. Dane is graduating from Oregon, heading to Law School. Can't wait to see our friends from San Fran over the 4th of July weekend. Fun times ahead.